Special Request Mat Cutting

Special Request Mat Cutting
  • Application

    Important! Please read! This page is ONLY for submitting a request for non-standard, odd-sized, and special layout mats that can't be ordered through the Custom Mat Cutting page. The majority of Single-Window and Multi-Window Mats can be ordered on our Custom Mat Cutting page.

    In addition to filling out the form, we ask that you submit a PDF drawing or diagram of the layout and dimensions.

    Examples of Special Request Mats include:
    • Multi-Window Mats whose windows are not all the same exact height and width and orientation.

    • If you get a pop-up warning when entering dimensions in the Custom Mat Cutting page. If your mat exceeds dimensions or the border is too small you will have to use this page to submit a request. We will get back to you to let you know if we are able to cut the mat to these specifications and give you a price.

    We may not be able to accommodate your request but we will let you know either way.

  • Special Request

    How to Submit a Special Request

    1. Select Museum Board or Conservation Board

    2. Select Mat Color and Ply

    3. Enter desired Mat Quantity

    4. Select Backing Board, Color, and Ply

    5. Enter your Contact Details

    6. Under Additional Instructions you can type in details such as exterior board dimensions, window dimensions, window quantity, etc...

    7. Use Click to Attach Diagram button to upload a PDF illustrating your desired mat design. It can be hand-drawn or made digitally but it should be thorough. We need outside mat dimensions, window dimensions, and border dimensions. Plus space between row and/or columns when applicable.

    8. Prove that you aren't a robot, then click on the red button to Submit for Estimate. We will determine if we can accommodate your request and get back to you within two business days. We will send you a quote if we can do it.

    9. Review everything on the quote carefully for accuracy. Once you give us the okay and pay for the order you have committed to the specs we sent to you.

Choose Mat Board
Choose Backing Board
Enter Contact Details

*NOTE: After form is submitted, we will reply within two business days.