Summer (Archival) Projects: Time to Preserve Your Life!*
( * – see below)
It’s officially SUMMER!!!

So, if it’s summer, it’s …
… time to pack up the car and hit the road!
(wear your seatbelt, see below)

& Archival Care.”
… time to wear that fetching new bathing suit!
(these fashions are coming back, folks – OK maybe not)

… time to go on vacation!
(searching for the Loch Ness Monster optional)

… time for baseball!
(and strike out, like I always did)

… time for bike rides!
(old-school bike helmet from back in the day – always wear yours!)

… time for watermelon!
(grandma told us not to eat the seeds or we’d grow watermelons out our ears, what a crock)

… time to goof around in the summer sun!
(yo, wear bug spray & sunscreen, see below)

… time for the family reunion!
(and great-grandpa’s dreaded conga line)

… time for summer weddings!
(and goofy hats – some real winners here, folks)

… time to play in the dirt with your toy trucks!
(eating dirt back then was fun too, just sayin‘)

… time for little Mildred to FINALLY get a pony for her birthday!
(I never got a pony for MY birthday, probably a good thing, too)

Please click on the image to see our illustrated blog on the “Association of Personal
Photo Organizers: Pros You Should Know.”
… time for sack races, scavenger hunts, egg tosses, gladiatorial combat!
(OK, maybe not that LAST one!)

Pros You Should Know.”
… time to save your life!
(ya don’t know what ya got ’til it’s gone, and there are some real treasures here, folks)

Whoa. Wait a minute. Did I just say “time to save your life”???
Yeah, I’m not talking about wearing bug spray to prevent Lyme disease, or wearing sun screen to prevent future problems, or wearing your seatbelt (or bike helmet!) on the way to the beach / campsite / family reunion (but do ALL those things!!!).

Nope, I’m talking about saving those moments that MAKE UP your life: the snapshots, photo albums, postcards and family artifacts – past and present – that document all those happy summertime memories of both today and yesteryear.
So, when you’re NOT of camping someplace, when you’re NOT wearing a goofy swimsuit at the beach, when you’re NOT engaged in gladiatorial combat, spend some of the dog days of summer rummaging through your attic, your basement, your phone or your camera for your family photographs (and PRINT your favorite pix on your phone or in your camera – please click here to see our illustrated blog on why this is SO IMPORTANT!). Then place them in archival pages and binders, or mat and frame them, to create wonderful summertime memories to last a lifetime (and beyond!).

And BTW, folks, while we’re talkin’ about summertime memories, it’s NOT too early to start thinking about the holidays(!!!), and what you can create this summer might very well be THE most cherished and memorable holiday gift six months from now (see pix above).
Trust me on that one, folks!

Need some helpful ideas on just WHERE to start?
Check out our more than 80 (count ’em – 80!) fully illustrated blogs to see how to do EVERYTHING to archivally preserve your summertime (and all year / all century!) memories.
You (and your whole family) will be glad you did!
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If you have any additional questions on preserving your collections, or would you like more information on any of our museum-quality archival storage and presentation materials, please contact us here at Archival Methods. We’re always there to help with any archiving, storage, or presentation questions you may have.
We would also like to encourage you to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and our large selection of informative and crisply-illustrated (and often humorous!) blogs for up-to-the-minute information, Archival Solutions of the Week (take a look at this archive for more info!), and stories of interest.
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